(212) 974-0935 hello@bni23nyc.com

Leadership Team

Amy Horowitz
Susan D’Addario

Vice President
Ralph Robbins

Secretary / Treasurer
Christian Zebicoff

Visitor Host
Renee Radenberg

Education Coordinator
Louis Fata

Mentor Coordinator
Joseph Tremiti
Lisa Abiraj

Membership Committee
Charles Arnold
Elisabeth Kovac
Jolie Ann Calella
Kwok Man

Growth Coordinator
Mihal Gartenberg

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Susan DAddario
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Health & Wellness Services
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Virtual coaching services provided globally.

(212) 974-0935

I believe all people can sleep, it’s just a matter of relearning how!

So, why has sleep become so difficult for so many?

Back in 1910, people in the USA averaged 9 hours of sleep each night. Nowadays, 2/3 thirds of us are sleep deprived. What’s changed and why? Lots!

Imagine for a moment how life might have been back in the 1850’s. This was before the invention of artificial light. People rose with the sun, spent plenty of time outdoors working under the sun, and ate fresh, local foods. By evening, with the setting sun, people returned home to unwind, eat, and call it a day. They illuminated their homes with soft candlelight.

There were no televisions nor monitors. Things were calmer and quieter without phones and social media. Darkness, (without artificial light interference), naturally stimulated the release of melatonin.

There was also far less competition to getting a great night sleep compared to today where evening social and entertainment options abound. In short, people back then were lulled to a natural, restful, full night of repose.

Nowadays, we live in a world with a lot of hustle bustle, artificial light constantly bombarding us, limited physical activity, eating processed pseudo-foods, jet lagging, and focusing on monitors during the day, into the evenings and even while in bed. Our brains are continually being stimulated and given inaccurate messages about the time of day.

Can we go back to exactly how things were in the 1850’s? No, but there is so much we can do in a natural way - without pills - to influence our ability to be able to get back to sleep. I will help and support you to integrate the changes necessary that will allow you to finally sleep soundly again and feel well-rested.

Susan D'Addario, Certified Sleep Science Coach, Feel Rested, Be Amazing...I’m here for you to get back to sleep!

Leadership Team

Amy Horowitz
Susan D’Addario

Vice President
Ralph Robbins

Secretary / Treasurer
Christian Zebicoff

Visitor Host
Renee Radenberg

Education Coordinator
Louis Fata

Mentor Coordinator
Joseph Tremiti
Lisa Abiraj

Membership Committee
Charles Arnold
Elisabeth Kovac
Jolie Ann Calella
Kwok Man

Growth Coordinator
Mihal Gartenberg